david o selznick


The Attaboy Clarence Christmas Cracker 2020!


It’s a festive celebration of Yuletide radio musical and movie magic in The Attaboy Clarence Christmas Cracker special!

Starring Basil Rathbone, Ella Fitzgerald, Joseph Cotten, Dorothy McGuire, Ginger Rogers, Santa Claus. Perry Como, Ronald Colman, Pat O’Brien, Billie Holiday, Bing Crosby and many, many more!

To become a Co-Producer/Patron of the shows and gain instant access to hundreds more hours of Golden Age bonus material CLICK HERE!



Episode 58: Intermezzo

This week, it's competition time, and entering couldn't be simpler! Listen on for details, as well as news of the upcoming patron prizes...


How about a completely ridiculous summer drink? And whoever heard of a blue tiger?

Questions are plucked from the question pot, PLUS hear all the wonderful words of wisdom from the YouTube channel that Adam was completely unaware of...

As for movies, this week is devoted entirely to just one masterpiece, the movie that brought Ingrid Bergman to Hollywood; 1939's 'Intermezzo'

Radio entertainment comes courtesy of the Lux Radio Theatre